A. preliminary
In an effort to improve the quality of national education, government, especially through the Ministry of Education continue to seek to various changes and reform our education system. One of the efforts that have been and are being carried out, ie factors related to the teacher. Birth of Law. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers and Government Regulation. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, essentially a government policy that contains within it the government's efforts to reform and improve the quality of teachers in Indonesia. Fullan cited by Suyanto and Hisham (2000) argues that "educational change depends on what teachers do and think ...". The opinion suggests that change and reform the education system relies heavily on "what teachers do and think". or in other words, depends on the mastery of teacher competence.
If we observe more about the realities of the current teacher competence presumably still diverse. Danim (2002) revealed that one feature of the crisis is a professor of education in Indonesia has not been able to demonstrate performance (work performance) is adequate. This shows that the performance of teachers not fully supported by an adequate degree of mastery of competencies, therefore there is need for a comprehensive effort to improve the competence of teachers. This article will explain what it is about teacher competence and how efforts to improve the competence of teachers views of the role of the school principal. Presumably in the hope this paper can serve as a reflection for teachers and other parties with an interest in education.
B. Teacher Competency Itself
What is a competency? Moqvist (2003) argued that "competency has been defined in the light of actual circumstances Relating to the individual and work. Meanwhile, Trainning Agency as presented Holmes (1992) in Moqvist (2003) states that: "A competence is a description of something roomates a person who works in a given occupational area should be Able to do. It is a description of an action, behavior or outcome roomates a person should be Able to demonstrate. "
From the second the opinion above we can draw a red thread that competence is basically a picture of what is supposed to do (be Able to do) a person in a job, in the form of activities, behaviors and outcomes that should be shown or indicated. To be able to do (be Able to do) something in his work, of course, one must have the capacity (ability) in the form of knowledge (knowledge), attitudes (attitude) and skills (skills) in accordance with the field work.
Referring to the above definition of competence, the competence of the teacher in this case can be interpreted as a description of what it is supposed to do one teacher for his job, either in the form of activities, behavior and results can be shown.
Furthermore, as cited by Joni Suyanto and Hisham (2000) suggests three types of teacher competence, namely:
1. Professional competence; having extensive knowledge of the subject areas they teach, select and use a variety of teaching methods in the teaching-learning process convening.
2. Social competence; able to communicate well with students, fellow teachers, and society.
3. Personal competence, ie has a solid personality and exemplary. Thus, a teacher will be able to perform the role of a leader: ing ngarso sung Tulada, ing intermediate Mangun intention, tut wuri handayani
Meanwhile, in the perspective of the national education policy, the government has formulated four types of teacher competence as specified in the Explanation of Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, namely:
1. Pedagogical competence is an ability in the management of learners which include: (a) understanding or insight into the foundation of education, (b) understanding of learners, (c) development of curriculum / syllabus, (d) learning design, (e) the implementation of an educational learning and dialogue; (f) evaluation of learning outcomes, and (g) the development of a variety of learners to actualize its potential.
2. Competence personality is a personality capabilities: (a) stable, (b) stable, (c) adult, (d) the wise and prudent; (e) authority, (f) morality, (g) a role model for students and society; (h) evaluating its own performance, and (i) to develop themselves in a sustainable manner.
3. Social competence is an educator's ability as a society to: (a) communicate orally and in writing, (b) use information and communication technology functionally, (c) interact effectively with students, fellow teachers, staff, parents / guardians learners, and (d) hanging out in a dignified manner with the surrounding community.
4. Professional competence is the ability to master the material is broad and deep learning which include: (a) concept, structure, and methods of science / technology / art shade / coherent with the teaching materials, (b) teaching materials are in the school curriculum, (c) relationships between concepts related subjects, (d) the application of scientific concepts in everyday life, and (e) in a professional competition in a global context while preserving national values and culture.
In comparison, of the National Board for Professional Teaching Skill (2002) has defined competency standards for teachers in the United States, which became the basis for teachers to get certified teachers, with the formulation of What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do, involves a series of five major propositions , namely:
1. Teachers are Committed to Students and Their Learning which includes: (a) teacher appreciation of individual differences of students, (b) teachers' understanding of the development of student learning, (c) treatment of teachers to all students fairly, and (d) the teacher's mission to expand horizon of thinking students.
2. Teachers Know the Subjects They Teach and How to Teach Those Subjects to Students include: (a) teacher appreciation understanding of subject matter for dikreasikan, compiled and linked with other subjects, (b) the ability of teachers to deliver course material (c) develop efforts to acquire knowledge in various ways (multiple paths).
3. Teachers are Responsible for Managing and Monitoring Student Learning include: (a) the use of different methods in achieving learning objectives, (b) make the learning process in a variety of settings groups (group setting), the ability to provide a reward (reward) for the success of students, (c ) assess student progress on a regular basis, and (d) awareness of the main goals of learning.
4. Teachers Think Systematically About Their Practice and Learn from Experience includes: (a) Teachers continually examine ourselves to pick the best decisions, (b) teachers ask advice from others and doing research on education to improve teaching practices.
5. Teachers are Members of Learning Communities include: (a) teacher contributes to school effectiveness by collaborating with other professionals, (b) teachers working with older students, (c) teachers can take advantage of a variety of community resources.
Essentially, the three above opinion does not indicate a difference of principle. The difference is only in how pengelompokkannya. Fill in the details pedagodik competencies delivered by Ministry of Education, according to Joni Raka already teramu in professional competence. While NBPTS does not recognize the existence of grouping types of competence, but directly elaborated on aspects of teachers' skills should be mastered. In line with the global challenges of life, roles and responsibilities of teachers in the future will be more complex, so it requires teachers to always make various improvements and adjustments mastery competence. Teachers need to be more dynamic and creative in developing student learning. Teachers in the future no longer be the only one of the most well informed on a variety of information and knowledge that is developing and interacting with humans in the universe. In the future, teachers are not the only people who are more proficient in the middle of their students. If teachers do not understand the mechanisms and patterns of dissemination of information so quickly, he will slumped professionally. If this happens, it will lose the trust of both students, parents and the community. To face the challenge of professionalism, teachers need to be anticipatory and proactive thinking. This means that teachers have to do an update of its science and knowledge continuously.
In addition, future teachers must understand the research to support the effectiveness of the implementation of learning, so that the results support the teacher does not get stuck to the practice of learning by assuming they have been effective, but in reality it turned off the creativity of the students. So also, with the support of cutting edge research allows teachers to conduct lessons vary from year to year, adapted to the context of the development of science and technology progress.
C. Principal Role in Improving Teacher Competency
So that the educational process can be run effectively and efficiently, teachers are required to have sufficient competence, both in terms of the type and content. However, if we dive deeper into the content contained on any kind of competence, as presented by experts and in government policy perspective, it seems to be a competent teacher is not something that is simple to realize and enhance the competencies of teachers needed a genuine effort truly and comprehensively.
One effort that can be done is through the optimization of the principal's role. Anwar and Amir (2000) argues that "the principal as the manager has the task of developing the performance of personnel, especially to increase the professional competence of teachers." It should be underlined that professional competence is here, not only related to the control of matter alone, but includes all types and browse the content of competency as described above.
In the perspective of the national education policy (Ministry of Education, 2006), there are seven principal role is, as: (1) educator (educator), (2) managers, (3) administrators, (4) supervisor (the supervisor), (5) leader (leader), (6) the creator of the work climate, and (7) entrepreneurs.
Referring to the seven principal roles as presented by the Education Ministry on the above, the following section describes the relationship between the principal's role to increase teacher competence.
1. The school principal as a manager. In managing personnel, one of the tasks that must be done is to carry out the principal maintenance activities and professional development of teachers. In this case, the principal should be facilitated and provide ample opportunity for the teachers to be able to undertake professional development through education and training activities, both held at the school, such as: MGMP / MGP school level, in-house training, professional discussion and so on, or through education and training activities outside of school, such as: the opportunity to continue their education or participate in various activities organized training others.
2. Principals as educators (teachers). Of teaching and learning is at the core of the educational process and teachers are the main implementers and developers in the school curriculum. Principals who demonstrate commitment and focus on curriculum development and teaching and learning activities at the school will of course very concerned about the level of competency of teachers, as well as will always strive to facilitate and encourage teachers to continually improve their competence, so that teaching and learning activities can run effectively and efficiently.
3. Head of the school as an administrator. Particularly with regard to financial management, that to achieve improved teacher competence can not be separated from the cost factor. How big is the school can allocate the budget increase teacher competency will affect the level of competence of the teacher. Therefore, the principal should be able to allocate adequate budget for efforts to improve teacher competence.
4. The school principal as a supervisor. To determine the extent to which teachers are able to carry out the study, principals need to periodically carry out supervision activities, which can be done through classroom visits to observe directly the learning process, especially in the selection and use of methods, media use and engagement in the learning process (Mulyasa , 2003). From the results of this supervision, as well as excellence is known weakness of teachers in implementing learning, mastery level of teacher competence is concerned, further attempted solutions, coaching and follow-up so that the teacher can correct certain deficiencies while maintaining excellence in implementing learning. Jones et al. as presented by Danim (2002) argues that "the face that contains the curriculum changes are quite large in purpose, content, teaching methods and evaluation, it is natural that the teachers expect advice and guidance from their principals." From this expression, meaning that the principal should really master of the school curriculum. Impossible a school principal can provide advice and guidance to the teacher, while he himself did not master it well
5. Principal as leader (leader). Principal's leadership style as if that can foster creativity as well as to encourage suburkan to improving teacher competence? In theory at least we know the two leadership styles of leadership are task oriented leadership and people-oriented leadership. In order to improve the competence of teachers, a school principal can implement both leadership styles are appropriate and flexible, adapted to the conditions and needs. Leadership is associated with a person's personality and the personality of the principal as a leader will be reflected in the properties as barikut: (1) honest, (2) self-confidence, (3) responsibility, (4) risk-taking and decision, (5) high-minded, (6) emotional stability, and (7) model (Mulyasa, 2003).
6. Principals as the creator of the work climate. Culture and conducive working environment will allow each teacher more motivated to demonstrate the superior performance, accompanied by efforts to improve their competence. Therefore, in an effort to create a culture and climate conducive work, the principal shall observe the following principles: (1) the teachers will work harder when doing activities interesting and fun, (2) the purpose of activities should be drawn up with clear and informed to the teachers so they know the purpose of her work, the teacher may also be involved in the preparation of these objectives, (3) the teacher should always be informed of every job, (4) gift giving is better than punishment, but any time penalties are also needed, (5) try to meet the needs of socio-psycho-physical teachers, so as to obtain satisfaction (modified from thinking about Principal Mulayasa as Motivator (Mulyasa, 2003).
7. The school principal as an entrepreneur. In applying the principles of kewirausaan associated with increased competency of teachers, the school principal should be able to create reform, comparative advantage, as well as take advantage of opportunities. The school principal with a strong attitude kewirauhasaan will dare to make innovative changes in the school, including changes in matters related to the learning process of students and their teacher competence. The extent to which principals can realize the above roles, directly or indirectly, can contribute to improving teacher competence, which in turn can bring an effect on the quality of education in schools.
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Unknown - Tuesday, February 26, 2013
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